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Getting Results Through Affirmations

Our process. Your success.

I love the beginning of each year.  It comes with dreams, aspirations, and generates an enormous desire to create change in our lives.  There have been years where by the 10th of January I can’t even remember what my resolutions were!  And then there are other years where I keep that inspiration going throughout the year (yes, I’ll admit to ups and downs).

What I’d like to propose, is a series of short posts to help you keep your dreams alive through affirmations. This week we will discuss affirmations, then I will give you a series of sample affirmations to help inpire you.  Rewrite them, use the ones that work for you.  And most of all, make this the year you make it happen!

Looking for results from those affirmations?  Here are five ways to make your affirmations “stick”.

Read your affirmations at least three times each day.

Write your affirmations 15-20 times in a row.

Write your affirmations while saying them aloud.

Write your affirmations on index cards and keep them with you.  Pull them out and read them every time you are waiting in line, or waiting for an appointment.

How to write an affirmation:

Remember that list of goals and resolutions you wrote?  Find them and bring them out.  Here are some steps to transform them into affirmations:

  1. List everything you want this year.
  2. Convert your list into specific goals.
  3. Start each goal with I am… or I (present tense verb)…
  4. Add emotion to it, so it touches your heart, not just your intellect.