Berrien Springs, MI 49103
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Category: Strategic Planning

Our process. Your success.

goals achieved

Goals Abandoned or Goals Achieved?

The difference between goals abandoned and goals achieved is the motivation that underlies the goal and the development of a strategy to make it happen.

Live Out Your Goals! 21 Days of Goal Affirmations

All of us have dreams.  Some people fear failure so much they are afraid to allow themselves to dream again, yet struggle with their lack of direction.  Choose to live to your fullest every day by keeping your dreams alive, setting goals to reach those dreams, and supporting yourself and those around you with positive…
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10 Reasons to Set Goals

Ten Reasons to Set Goals… that will grow your business this year

Chances are that if you are reading this blog, you have already set goals for 2020. The more interest we have in something, the more likely we are to take action. However, as a coach, I know that not all of my clients have set goals yet. They’ve had a busy holiday season and are…
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3 important questions to change your life

Three Important Questions That Can Change Your Life and Your Business

There’s nothing new about these questions. Most of us, at one time or another, have heard them and may even dismiss them as shallow and a cliche. However, I challenge you to go deeper. Think about the implications in your life, your career, your health, your family… What do I continue doing? What do I…
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grow your business with an advisory board

How to grow your business with an Advisory Board and all the experts you need

Over the past 20 years, I have been a consultant, coach, and trainer to small businesses across the U.S. and also in other countries. My passion to see small business owners succeed has propeled my career in pursuing an MBA along with coaching certification. Healthy small businesses make a healthy economy, and a healthy economy…
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A Time for Everything

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: A time to be born and a time to die, A time to plant and a time to uproot, A time to kill and a time to heal’ A time to tear down and a time to build, A time to weep and a time to…
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Clarify the Direction of Your Business

There is a myth that only startup businesses who seek funding need a business plan. Small business owners also believe that they can keep their plan in their head or they’re too small to need a plan. Call it a business plan, strategic plan, annual plan, or operational plan. The name doesn’t matter as much…
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Complete Success, Inc. Launched

Amazing how simple it is to “start” a business. Not so simple to actually make it work. I’ve operated under the name “Pichot Consulting” for about 15 years and decided to take my business to a new level by incorporating and expanding my services. I want to touch the lives of many others, including you.…
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