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Author: admin

Our process. Your success.

young professionals on computer

High Tech + High Touch = Exponential Success!

According to, the expression “Keep in touch” is quite complex.  We keep in touch, remain in touch, or stay in touch with someone. It means we are maintaining communication with that person, keeping up-to-date with someone’s life, their business, or with your office while you’re away.  Sometimes it is used when saying good-bye, where…
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Small Business Symposium: Getting The Word Out

Friday, March 12, 2010 8:30 a.m. To 1:30 p.m. The reality we all face is: every small business wants to get the word out and grow. So this day is for you. In one location, seven speakers who will guide, educate, and inspire you to “get your word out!” Speakers will show you how visual…
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A Time for Everything

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: A time to be born and a time to die, A time to plant and a time to uproot, A time to kill and a time to heal’ A time to tear down and a time to build, A time to weep and a time to…
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Getting Results Through Affirmations

I love the beginning of each year.  It comes with dreams, aspirations, and generates an enormous desire to create change in our lives.  There have been years where by the 10th of January I can’t even remember what my resolutions were!  And then there are other years where I keep that inspiration going throughout the year…
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Drink, Steal, Swear and Lie!

Four Words to Live By…”Drink, Steal, Swear & Lie”  DRINK from the “everlasting cup” everyday  STEAL a moment to help someone that is in worse shape than you are  SWEAR   that you will be a better person today than yesterday  LIE  down at night, thank God for your blessings and be grateful Happy New Year!

Clarify the Direction of Your Business

There is a myth that only startup businesses who seek funding need a business plan. Small business owners also believe that they can keep their plan in their head or they’re too small to need a plan. Call it a business plan, strategic plan, annual plan, or operational plan. The name doesn’t matter as much…
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The Golden Rule of Business: Invest in Your Customers and They’ll Invest in You

A successful business starts with a product or service that’s well suited to the needs and requirements of the market. Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft Corp. said: “Unless we’re in touch with our customers, our model of the world can diverge from reality. There’s no substitute for innovation, of course, but innovation is no substitute…
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Complete Success, Inc. Launched

Amazing how simple it is to “start” a business. Not so simple to actually make it work. I’ve operated under the name “Pichot Consulting” for about 15 years and decided to take my business to a new level by incorporating and expanding my services. I want to touch the lives of many others, including you.…
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