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Summer vacations are becoming working vacations

Our process. Your success.

Working Vacation

As the summer winds down, do you feel refreshed and ready to tackle another year of work, school, and day-to-day responsibilities?

According to a survey conducted by TeamViewer, more than half of employed U.S. workers said they would work during their vacations this year. Here are some results from this survey:

  • I will read work-related emails – 30 percent
  • I will receive work-related phone calls – 23 percent
  • I will want access to a document on my home computer – 19 percent
  • I will receive work-related text messages – 18 percent
  • I want access to a document on my work computer – 13 percent
  • I will be asked to do work by a boss, client or colleague – 13 percent

Another survey conducted by American Express Financial Tracker estimated that 59 percent of Americans (some 140,000 million) planned summer vacations. However, the trend seems to have moved towards more meaningful, slower-paced vacations, along with a rise in long weekend travel. They spent approximately $1,180 per person this summer. “Consumers want deeper, richer experiences when they travel,” said David Patron, Vice President of American Express Travel. “When a traveler visits a destination they want to understand the local traditions and feel like they are getting a true insider experience.”

As a society on the move, employees, spouses and children are constantly connected to their world back home through a myriad of electronic gadgets. So when they finally take time off to go on vacation, they stay connected and continue to work remotely. According to Financial, 83 percent of vacationers planned to stay connected and nearly two thirds (64 percent) expected to check their work email daily over their vacation. challenged its readers to unplug for a twenty-four hour period, and reported how difficult people find actually turning off ALL their technology: from cell phones, to PDAs, game boards, TVs, computers.

As we approach Labor Day Weekend, unplug for at least a day. Take a real break from work and the world and see how much more relaxed and peaceful you will be.