Berrien Springs, MI 49103
+1 (269) 888-3696

High Tech + High Touch = Exponential Success!

Our process. Your success.

young professionals on computer

According to, the expression “Keep in touch” is quite complex.  We keep in touch, remain in touch, or stay in touch with someone. It means we are maintaining communication with that person, keeping up-to-date with someone’s life, their business, or with your office while you’re away.  Sometimes it is used when saying good-bye, where you know you will miss that person. And it is even used with sarcasm when one doesn’t care about the other person.

As business owners, it is so easy to get caught up with the daily activities we need to perform and to ignore keeping in touch with clients, and when they don’t hear from us, they may chose to go to a competitor! I was talking to a business owner last week and she shared that she got a phone call from a client who’d purchased from her two years ago and he called to ask her if she was still in business and that it was time to order again.  She was embarrassed and confided that she really wanted to get better at contacting all of her accounts.

Mari Smith, author of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day, put a short video on her Facebook page that talked about the importance of blending “high tech with high touch for exponential success. Use all means possible to stay in touch, social media, phone apps, direct mailings, newsletters, and yes, you do still need high touch – phone calls and face-to-face meetings. A combination of all will keep your name in front of your clients and help establish your business as a great organization, you as a trustworthy business person, and help your clients to return over and over again.